Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party '10

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

So, It's Ultimate Blog Party time...time to blog hop and meet new friends and find new blogs to follow.

If you're partying and stopping by....welcome. Parenting in blue jeans is meant to encourage myself and other moms. I write it to give myself focus and jot down the crazy life that I live in jeans. Well, I don't actually wear my jeans everyday but close.

"Parenting in blue jeans" is a good analogy for my life. I'm relaxed. I'm casual. I'm practical. Being a mom feels like wearing my favorite jeans. Both are stained and a bit worn, but are still comforting and a good fit. They both make me feel like a million bucks.

And....if I should be drawn for a prize I would love prize US 113 ($50 to Amazon) thank-ya very much.


Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

Hi there and happy Blog Party! Good to find new blogs!

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

I love the picture in your header! Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

What a great layout and header! Stopping by from the party!

Angie said...

Stopping by via the Ultimate Blog Party.

Have a great Friday and enjoy the party!!

Heather {Desperately Seeking} said...

here through the UBP. I'm honest when I say, I'm clicking on the blog titles that catch my eye... :) yours made the cut! great blog, great philosophy and in regards to the post below this one? My favorite quote is "it's none of my business what other people think of me."

have a great time partying!

Unknown said...

I came to visit for the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party and really enjoyed visiting. I'm a bit older - a member of the Baby Boomers Generation caring for elderly parents and Granny nanny-ing adorable grandchildren, but I, too, live in jeans - blue, black, doesn't matter as long as they are JEANS and COMFY! :)

Like you, I also am a Christ-Follower, who loves praise and worship songs and music, inspirational and encouraging Bible verses, and I love sharing all of that at :)

Have a blessed and beautiful day and fun with the blog party! :)

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party. Cheers to comfy jeans!

The Mom Renewal Project

Hattie said...

Hi stopping by from the party! Love your blog title and the before & after pic of your two kiddos in the water is too funny! Following you now. If ya want to feel free to come and check out my blog. Hope y'all have a great weekend!!!


Coffee Lovin' Mom said...

Loving this party! I also share your casualness of motherhood! Great blog! I will be back and following!

Anonymous said...

So love your banner! You stopped by my place so I thought I would check yours out. How cool is it that you were a MOPS Coord. I know you are in Michigan & I am in Texas but you look familiar. Weird? Love your stuff!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

It's so nice to find other Michigan bloggers. Did you get snow today? :) Have fun at the party!!

Elizabeth said...

I love your blog name too! Thanks for stopping by :o)

I post my weight loss because it is what worked for me in the past. Accountability! I really HATE having to announce when I fell off plan and gained 4 pounds (like I did last week lol) and that holds me accountable. When I'm reaching for the red cream Oreos my boys are snacking on right now, I ask myself "do I really want to put this in my food tracker for all my weight loss friends to seee??? no, no I don't." so I don't eat it. If that makes sense :o)

Rhonda said...

Hi Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. (That sounds so stalkerish doesn't it? lol) I know what you mean about "none ya" we jokingly say it sometimes. I just love the before and after shots of your kids in the fountain. I actually LOL'd and my husband asked me what was so funny. I had to show him the picture. Anyway, happy blog partying to you and I will be following your blog.

Bree, Home of Blogmania said...

Hey there! love the title! I love your bio too- you know, we're all just trying to get it right and do things a little better each day :)Thankfully we have God's Word to help clear our path! love it!

Scuba Wife Life said...

Thanks for stopping by! :) I like what I have read so far! Oh, and yes! I am only a bottle away, but I have tried going blonde...seems like I do more dumb things when my hair is that color! lol I will just stick to being blonde at heart! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for coming to my party and for following my blog, too! I love your blog. I ESPECIALLY love your about me description. First of all-we have a lot in common-I love candy, cleaning and garage sales...but I think I may need some pointers on the cleaning....maybe you can help me out in the department with any tips! Since my June Cleaver project, I am trying to pick up any I can get! Please feel free to let me know if you have any at all!!! I am serious! I will continue to follow you. Have fun partying!!! Jessie from A Year in the Life of June Cleaver

Country Gal said...

Hey - we ARE kindred spirits! Wish you were closer so we could go to some garage sales together (I need a good work-out!). :) Glad we met!

thediaperdiaries said...

YAY!! You figured it out. Welcome to the wild, wild world of blogging.

MomOnTheEdge said...

This looks like a great blog! Casual sounds perfect.

Big Blue Momma said...

Visiting from the party! I love your blog layout! Look forward to reading more.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great to meet you! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! Love your blog layout!

Far Above Rubies said...

Hi there - you passed by to say hello and asked how I was able to put music on my blog. If you head on over to - you will be able to do the same. It's free and easy. Just follow the steps. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.

God bless you.

Becky said...

I am here because the title is just inviting. With 5 kids of my own, we all do everything in blue jeans.
What a great blog. Glad I found you via #GBP10

Kayce said...

Hi! Stopped by from UBP and so glad I did! You've got a wonderful blog and a beautiful family!!

Beverly said...

Love the title of your blog! Stopping in from the UBP. Have a great party. :-)

Beverly from Speakable Gifts

Tonya said...

Hi! You have such a cool title for your blog! :-) I'm a new follower and I'm about to make a comment on that garage sales post. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the party! :-)

@Dayngr said...

Hello. Beautiful blog, great title (which is what caught my eye) and wonderful content.

I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got my first giveaway too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

Bridgette said...

Dropping in from the UBP to say HI! :)

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

I SO love the story behind the name of your blog... it's adorable! Stopping by from the UBP... very nice to meet you! :)

Lauren said...

Just stopping by fromn the Blog Party!! I love your profile description :-) I have 2 little ones also...motherhood is the best thing ever!!

Tamara B. said...

Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

Katie said...

Hi! Just swinging by from UBP. So good to "meet" you! I love Jesus too, so glad to meet another believer! Feel free to stop by my blog. I'm a newbie blogger, but you might like my stuff anyway. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Come back any time! I love your garage sale tips! Enjoy the UBP!!

Mandi Leigh said...

I'm from the party. Loved your blog. Love the title. You seem like a lot of fun.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Hi there! Nice to meet you. This blog party is fun!

Kristle Helmuth said...

What an adorable blog! I love me some nice fitting blue jeans! And you are totally right, if it fits, it fits, there are no two people the same so what jeans fit one may not fit another!! Hope you are enjoying the Party, I know I am!
Find me at

Pattycake Manners said...

Just became a Follower!! The fact that we share the same "Crazy Life" badge and the same love of jeans has made me want to read more! Hope you are enjoying the UBP!

mama2lilev said...

Stopping by for the party! Nice to meet you :)

Susie Buetow said...

Toot Tootin' my #UBP10 Party Horn on your blog!!!!!

Hope you are meeting new bloggers and havin' a great time!

I'm your Newest fan on your blog!I love your style of parenting! It fits me, too!

Party on!!!

@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life

Jennifer said...

I love the blue jeans analogy, and like you, I HATE shopping if I have to search through the racks! Enjoy your week!

{:miss v:} said...

I too hate "shop hunting"!! The place needs to be neat and organized otherwise I just don't have the patience!

Cute blog! Have fun at the party!

Daisygirl said...

Hi Jennifer, thanks for stopping by my blog for the Blog party! I came over to say Hi and follow you! I love the theme of your blog! I'm with you all the way casual and practical!
Hope your having a great day ;)

Michelle said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog the the UBP 2010! You have a great blog and I am looking forward to getting to know you better. Awesome giveaway too :0)

Susie B. Homemaker said...

Hi, stopping by from the UBP- love your blog title... that's so me. :) I'm your newest follower.

CM said...

Thanks for stopping over at my blog! You have an adorable blog. Nice to meet you :-)

CM said...

Oh, and I'm following you now too!

Xenia said...

Thanks so much for stopping by... it's funny that you mentioned my blog name and description, because I love yours! Except mine is more like Parenting in Sweatpants. Although that doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

I'm following! :)

Valery said...

Thanks for coming to my party! It's nice to meet you. I'm following!

Unknown said...

Cute site, and great giveaways! -And thanks for visiting my site! Happy UBP!

Pricousins said...

Happy UBP! thanks for stopping by my blog this morning! I'm following your blog now!