The last few days I've been running around trying to tie up all the loose ends before I leave for a week. Okay, really I'm trying to get caught up on laundry before my mother-in-law comes to stay with the fam. I'm absolutly thrilled to go and at the same time, dreading being away from my kids and husband.
One of my favorite things to do for the kids anytime I'm gone is to leave them with a daily surprise. This workds well for little ones who can visually see how many surprise bags they have left until mommy and/or daddy get home.
I genrally just use brown paper bags and write numbers in decending order on them. Then I fill them with a little candy treat or activity. This trip, I'm stuffing them with bubbles, pop-its (those fireworkds you throw on the ground), fun-dip, new office supplies (yeah, my kids are nerds in the making), and horns for their bikes. Each bag also has a love note in it too, of course.
The gifts can be little or big...it doesn't really matter. Instead, it's more about having something for the kids to look forward too, and helping them understand how long you will be gone.
This post is a part of Works For Me Wednesday. Be sure to visit We Are That Family for other great ideas.

My mom always did this when I was growing up and they went on trips. I have continued the tradition here and there but not consistently. I need to do a better job of doing this everytime.
What a great idea. We're not away from our kids often, but usually they are the ones who are away (friends, missions trips, camp, etc.). Sometimes I try to slip a note in their bag to let them know they are loved. I bet they would love if I put in a secret surprise! I'll have to try that next time. Thanks for the great idea!
I have a bunch of short trips planned this summer! thanks for this tip - plan on putting it into use - soon!
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