Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things I Love Thursday: IKEA

I love IKEA. Can I get a what what (or the equivalent in Swedish) ?!? If you've never heard of IKEA..."Ikea offers everyday furniture in modern designs, emphasizing function, affordability, and style".

IKEA is God's gift to parents! While you shop, your kids can either play at the IKEA play place or can shop with you and be hypnotized by the bright colors and lights. In the IKEA food court, you will find everything you need:kid friendly food, baby food, baby bottle warmers, high chairs...good golly they have it covered!

My favorite IKEA kid product is this chair. It helps little people sit up at the table without any hideous jungle print,or whatever the current baby gear trend is,while still being easy to wipe down. Genius!


thediaperdiaries said...

The hubby is headed there today to pick some things for me. Why can't we get one in GR??? Although that would be my financial downfall!!

Betsy Escandon said...

Oh how I love IKEA. I think 2/3 of my house is from there -- bed frames, mattresses, sheets, shelves, toys, rugs. You know what I love? No formaldehyde in the particle board and they phased out the worst flame retardants years ago. IKEA tends to be ahead of the curve on troublesome chemicals in products.

Miss Mommy said...

I just went for the first time- even though when in the US, I had one down the road, I waited until I moved to Scotland and then drove 3 hours one way to get there just last weekend!! I would love that chair...good choice.

Olivia said...

Cool chair. I've yet to venture to Ikea (2 hr trip) but I would love to go!